
Leadership Through Software Development.


We personalize the nearest reality, so You can feel more confident, everywhere.



open source and open mind projects, open knowledge, proven and repeatable

#In natural harmony

Leadership modeled on nature and in harmony with nature


We get to know your business and add value where you need it the most

#User focus

We learn from user feedback, and we know the user always wins


We prefer prototyping and testing to writing specifications

#No jargon

We ensure our digital expertise is accessible and easy to understand

Follow with us DevOps transformation by the steps:

Identify the DevOps Leadership & Core Team.

Your Leadership and Core Team members should be open to change, early adopters and innovator-types.

Together as a team, set your true north and determine your big picture business goals for your DevOps journey.

End-to-end pipeline lead time, release throughput, release quality, security, satisfaction and productivity are some examples of DevOps goal areas.

Map the end-to-end (E2E) value streams specific to your chosen DevOps goals.

Focusing on the goals your organization has for DevOps will ensure your team and organization are aligned and focused on outcomes.

Identify bottlenecks for each value stream that will most affect each goal.

During this step, gaps between current state and desired state are made clear.

Dig deeper into the processes and further explore bottlenecks and gaps.

Concentrate on deeply understanding how the relevant bottlenecks and gaps affect lead time to define specific improvement opportunities.

Define solution strategies and tactics that align with goals and address improvement opportunities identified during analysis of current state.

Total DevOps takes a comprehensive perspective of people, process and technology to define strategies and tactics.

Develop an overall DevOps road map, which includes considerations for people readiness, process improvement and technology-specific implementation plans.

Each of these implementation plans should incorporate change management or adoption enablement techniques.

Determine how the existing technical debt will be addressed.

Give highest priority to the backlog of technical debt that will most support the goals.

Design metrics including key performance indicators (KPI) and service level agreements (SLA).

The use of KPIs and SLAs will enable the ability to tune, track and validate the success of the solution.


Agile iterations may include detailed design, proof of concept trials, implementation for one viable application environment and team and then deployment to all target application environments and teams using a well thought-out sequence and strategy for onboarding.

Employ continuous feedback.

Monitoring the performance of all application environments utilizing the established KPIs and SLAs will provide unbiased measurement of the system performance.

Employ continuous improvement.

Feedback is critical for learning and improvement which will fuel each step in your ongoing DevOps journey.

it’s all, only 12 steps!